1. How to ...
  2. Customize templates

Every template file can be customized through overwrite, and custom template files should be placed under the custom/templates directory (the path of directory can be changed via [page] CUSTOM_DIRECTORY).

It is only recommended to customize the home.html and common/navbar.html files to maintain the maximum backward compatibility.

UI framework

By default, the JIT of Tailwind CSS is included so you do not need any build step for using any of its classes in your custom templates.

However, it is not required to use Tailwind CSS as you have all the freedom to use any UI framework in your custom/common/head.html file.


The Flamego's i18n middleware is used to handle localization, create locale files under the custom/locale directory (the path of directory can be changed via [i18n] CUSTOM_DIRECTORY) to customize localization configuration.

The syntax for invoking localization function in template files looks like {{call .Tr "footer::copyright"}}, where footer is the section name and copyright is the key name.

Static assets

Custom static assets should be placed under the custom/public directory (the path of directory can be changed via [asset] CUSTOM_DIRECTORY), then include them in your template file.

For example, suppose you have a custom static asset in the path custom/public/css/my.css, then add the following line in your custom/common/head.tmpl file:

<link href="/css/my.css" rel="stylesheet">

Notice there is no public prefix in the href attribute.